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How To Keep Your Yard Looking Neat All Summer

A well-maintained yard isn’t just about curb appeal. It’s about creating a beautiful outdoor space to relax, entertain, and enjoy the fresh air. But how do you achieve that picture-perfect look without spending all your weekends wrestling with a mower and spade? We are about to reveal the secrets to keeping your yard looking neat and tidy.

  1. Feed Your Lawn – We recommend fertilizing your lawn at least 4 times a year. Typically in early and late spring, summer and fall. Too little fertilizer can lead to a sparse lawn that leaves room for weeds to grow. Too much helps nurture certain weeds to thrive.

  2. Mow Smarter- Mowing at the right height at the right time is important to keep weeds at bay. Keeping your grass at optimal height encourages a deeper root system while shading the soil to help discourage weeds from sprouting. Grass should be cut at 2 ½ to 3 ½ inches, never removing more than 1/3 of the grass blades at a time.

  3. Water Your Lawn Properly- The rule of thumb to follow when it comes to watering is to water thoroughly but less frequently. Giving the grass a good long soak is another way to encourage roots to grow, helping it to survive in times of drought. Deprive weeds in your flower beds by only watering the plants you want to thrive. In most cases depriving weeds of water reduces weed-seed germination by 50 to 70 percent.

  4. Limit Digging and Cultivating- Every spot in your garden contains weeds, but only the ones in the top inch of your soil get enough light to trigger germination. Digging and cultivating brings hidden weeds to the surface. Dig only when you plan to immediately salve the disturbed spot with plants or mulch.

  5. Mulch, Mulch, Mulch- Mulch benefits plants by keeping the soil cool and moist and depriving weeds of light. Mulch should be about 2 inches deep but not more than 3. Weeds that do sprout are easy to pull because soil beneath mulch remains loose and moist.

  6. Time it Right- There is an old saying about weeds “pull when wet, hoe when dry” translation… after a good soaking rain weeds are easier to pull, when its dry cut the weeds off at the soil level and the sun will kill the rest of the plant. For large weeds, try deadheading them. Cutting them back reduces the chances of reseeding and forces them to use up food reserves and exhaust their supply.

  7. Choke Out Weeds - Close plant spacing chokes out emerging weeds by shading the soil between plants. Be mindful of spacing recommendations but know that you can typically put them 25 percent closer than what is shown. Having a fuller bed from the start will help you win the battle before it begins.

Beyond these strategies, enriching your soil with organic matter can move your garden along the weed free path. Fewer weed seeds germinate in soil that contains fresh infusions of good compost or organic matter. Our team is always here and ready to answer any questions you may have regarding your landscaping needs!